School Board

Basic School Board Information

Public schools are operated under the laws of the State of Wisconsin and the policies established by the Wisconsin Board of Education. This information has been prepared to help you understand how the Board of Trustees of the New Glarus School District conducts business.

The Board is a policy-making body. The policies which it establishes are executed by the administration of the schools. Board members have no authority except when functioning as a member of the board in an official meeting. The Board has final control of local school matters permitted only by the state legislature, by the courts, and by the will of the people as expressed in school district elections. Board decisions are based on a plurality vote of those present.

Regular Board meetings are typically scheduled for the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7:15 PM. Meetings are in the High School Library, located at 1701 2nd Street, New Glarus. The Board reserves the right to change Board meetings to other days and times whenever it becomes necessary. Occasionally a special meeting or workshop may be called by the Board. In all cases, public notice is made in advance and local news media are notified.

What are the major responsibilities of the Board?

  • Select and employ a superintendent to manage the public schools of the District

  • Adopt such rules, regulations and by-laws as the Board may deem appropriate

  • Levy and collect taxes and issue bonds

  • Prepare, adopt, and file a budget for the succeeding fiscal year and file a report of the disbursement and receipts for the preceding fiscal year

  • Have the District's fiscal account audited at District expense by a Wisconsin certified or public accountant

  • Receive bequests and donations or other monies or funds coming legally into its hands in the name of the District

  • Order, canvass the returns, declare results, and issue certificates of elections as required by law

  • Acquire and hold real and personal property in the name of the District

  • Have the legal power and duty to perform other specific duties imposed by the statutes of the State of Wisconsin

Every meeting of the Board shall be open to the public. The Board may, however, adjourn to executive or closed session to discuss personnel matters, land acquisitions, to obtain legal counsel and to discuss litigation, or to discuss cases involving discipline of a public school child.

What is the procedure for addressing the Board?

At regular meetings of the Board, there will be an Open Forum opportunity to address the Board with comments or concerns. Persons who wish to speak during Open Forum should fill out a Request to Address the Board Form at the entrance to the Board Room before the meeting is called to order. Please limit comments to three minutes. The Board will listen attentively to the comments but will not respond to them during Open Forum.

If a speaker needs to address the Board with the name of any NGSD personnel, please inform the board so that an executive session can be scheduled on the next Board meeting agenda to hear the concerns.

Public participation is limited only to the Open Forum portions of the meeting. At all other times during the meeting, the audience shall not enter into discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board.

The Board will not hear complaints about individual school employees or permit discussion of such matters at a Board meeting.

Specific factual information or recitation of existing policy may be furnished in response to inquiries, but the Board may not deliberate, discuss, or make any decision on any subject not on the agenda.

Seven trustees serve on the Board. They are elected by registered District voters to rotating three-year terms. Two or three places are filled in annual election on the first Tuesday in April.  Following the annual election, the Board elects a president, vice-president, treasurer, and clerk to serve.

School Board Members

Board Members

The New Glarus School District's Board of Education values the opportunity to receive input from our stakeholders.  Since the Board can only act as a whole, not as individuals, we ask that you please email the entire Board so everyone has the same information.   The Board President will write back acknowledging receipt of the email.  The other Board members will not respond individually, but will take comments and viewpoints into consideration when they are discussing and deciding on agenda items.

If you are considering writing to the Board with a request, suggestion or complaint, please follow Policy 9130.  Basically, it outlines that all requests, suggestions and complaints should start as close to the source as possible because that’s where they are most easily resolved, and then they move through the chain of command.  Eventually, some items do reach the Board level, but most are resolved at much lower levels.
To reach all seven board members, please use the following group e-mail address:
Email the School Board

Bill Oemichen - President
Email Bill Oemichen
Term Expires: April 2025

Ron Roesslein - Vice President
Email Ron Roesslein
Term Expires: April 2025

Travis Zimmerman - Treasurer
Email Travis Zimmerman
Term Expires: April 2027

Cari Ann Muggenburg - Clerk
Email Cari Ann Muggenburg
Term Expires: April 2027

Cassie Ballweg - Director
Email Cassie Ballweg
Term Expires: April 2026

Casey McCoy - Director
Email Casey McCoy
Term Expires: April 2026

Heather Thornton - Director
Email Heather Thornton
Term Expires: April 2026

School Board Calendar, Meeting Minutes & Agendas

Click Here to review meeting minutes, agendas, and meeting videos

The New Glarus School District's Board of Education values the opportunity to receive input from our stakeholders. Any person attending the meeting may sign up to speak at the meeting.  Public input will be limited to three minutes to give everyone a chance to speak.  The Board members will not respond, but will take comments and viewpoints into consideration when they are discussing and deciding on agenda items.

If the topic you want to comment on is not on the Board agenda, Board members will listen, but not respond.  There is a Board Policy, Policy 9130, that outlines how to share requests, suggestions, and complaints.  It outlines that all requests, suggestions and complaints should start as close to the source as possible because that’s where they are most easily resolved, and then they move through the chain of command.  If you are unsure where to start, please contact a Principal or Program Director.  Eventually, some items do reach the Board level, but most are resolved at much lower levels.

Public Input Guidelines and Responsibilities

  • Comments that introduce complaints or concerns that are directed toward and that identify individual staff members or individual students are not permissible (such complaints or concerns should be channeled through the NGSD Complaint Procedure as outlined in Policy 9130.

  • The individual commenter retains all liability for his/her comments and conduct, whether verbal or in writing (i.e., the public input period does not offer any commenter any exemption from legal liability or from other lawful consequences that may result from the individual’s comments or conduct).

  • It is the responsibility of the commenter to review the complete guidelines and responsibilities as outlined in Policy 0167.3, Public Comment at Board Meetings.

  • If there is no Public Comment opportunity noticed on a meeting agenda, public comment will not be accepted for that meeting.

2024-2025 School Board Calendar

Current Board Meeting Minutes

School Board Policies

Policies affect daily activities in almost every walk of life. In a well-organized household, policies regulate family member responsibilities and rules of behavior. In an efficient company, policies outline business procedures and employee relations guidelines. In an effective school district, policies govern student activities and school operations.  Since school governance is the responsibility of the Board of Education, policy-making is one of the Board's most important functions. Through policy, the Board sets the educational goals for the entire school system and provides directives for administrators and other staff to follow while working toward the district's goals.
(2001 WASB Changes and Challenges)

School Board Policies