Athletic Complex

(New Glarus, WI)— The fundraising campaign for the New Glarus Glarner Community Complex hit a significant milestone last week as it exceeded $1 million in donations and sponsorships.  So far, there have been contributions from nearly 150 different individuals, families and businesses. In response to this achievement, New Glarus School District Superintendent Jennifer Thayer said, "We are so thankful to the Glarner Community Field Fundraising Committee and our generous community for making it to this significant $1 million milestone.  Although we have a long way to go to build the full master plan, which includes a concession/bathroom building as well as a plaza and pavilion for community events, the first $1 million in fundraising is a major accomplishment."   

Fortunately, inflation has settled and some prices have come down since the original estimates, which brings more of the project within reach.  Additionally, some local contractors are being brought into the discussions about how to provide a quality facility for a lower cost.  All of these updates have resulted in pricing changes, which are reflected on the fundraising website at  The Fundraising Committee is still aiming for all of goal 1 to be able to be accomplished this summer, which includes artificial turf, fencing for the entire complex, and a large storage building for a total of $1.4 million.  The deadline for donations in order for work to be completed this summer is May 1st.